María Elena Mesta Fernández, Board Member

Maria Elena Mesta is an experienced Mexican policy expert specialized in the areas of sustainable forest management, sustainable tourism, climate-friendly agriculture, as well as incentives for carbon markets. She is currently Executive Director of the Mexican Council...

Quest to Rescue Our Future

Glenn Sankatsing Amsterdam, Rescue Our Future Foundation, 2016. 555 pages Size: 23.0 x 15.5 x 3.5 cm (sewn) ISBN: 978-94-028-0317-4 Quest to Rescue Our Future chronicles the path of humanity, diagnoses our present misfortunes, identifies the dangerous trends and maps...

Al Rescate de Nuestro Futuro

Glenn Sankatsing Ámsterdam, Fundación Rescatar Nuestro Futuro, 2019, 564 p. Nueva edición en formato pdf. ISBN: 978-90-827857-1-5. Al rescate de nuestro futuro traza el camino de la humanidad, diagnostica nuestras desgracias actuales, identifica tendencias peligrosas...

Een olifant in waterland

Amsterdam, Rescue Our Future Foundation, 2020, 140 p. ISBN: 978-90-827857-2-2 Dit boek voor alle leeftijden is het cadeau van de olifant aan de nieuwe generatie die de sleutel in handen heeft om onze toekomst veilig te stellen. Het boek kan vrij gedownload worden....

About the Author

Glenn Sankatsing, born on a sugar plantation in colonial Suriname, wanted to become a cosmopolitan, a desire that many years of residence in The Netherlands, Suriname, Venezuela and Aruba facilitated. His interest in the social evolution of humanity and its future...

Glenn Sankatsing Treasurer

Glenn Sankatsing, born on a sugar plantation in colonial Suriname, wanted to become a cosmopolitan, a desire that many years of residence in The Netherlands, Suriname, Venezuela and Aruba facilitated. His interest in the social evolution of humanity and its future...